Hi dear visitor,
Welcome to Cool e-Life, I am Matthew Simiana the founder of this blog. I have started this blog for one simple purpose, that is to share with everyone my biggest hobby which is the internet. By internet I mean all that is online such as the development of websites, marketing a website, search engine optimization, domains, online tools and much more.....
Welcome to Cool e-Life, I am Matthew Simiana the founder of this blog. I have started this blog for one simple purpose, that is to share with everyone my biggest hobby which is the internet. By internet I mean all that is online such as the development of websites, marketing a website, search engine optimization, domains, online tools and much more.....
Don't think that I am a guru in all these areas - far from it, in some areas I have beginners or intermediate knowledge whilst in others I am more knowledgable. What I am sure is that I have great enthusiast for the internet. I hope that I'll manage to make this blog useful and interesting. Should someone be interested in helping me out with the posting I would appreciate since I can't dedicate myself to this blog on a full time basis.
This blog is not mine, it's ours, therefore should you want me to review some service or tool just let me know. Feel free to submit your ideas at matthewsimiana@gmail.com.
Many Thanks
Matthew Simiana